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Lab Reports


Rubrics/Grading Sheets

Extra Credit
To encourage students to further their exposure to science outside of the classroom, I will offer occasional extra credit opportunities. Below are some extra credit options available. Other extra credit options may be suggested but are subject to my approval.

Option 1: Present a science article from the news. Pending my approval, you may do a 5-minute presentation to the class about a science article you read in the news that is related to what we are learning in class. (For more ambitious students, you may also do your presentation on a paper in a scientific journal.) This is to encourage students to be more aware of science news as well as to develop public speaking skills. To earn credit, present to the class: (1) the title of your article, (2) the source of the article and when it was written, (3) the major findings of the article, (4) the implications of these findings, i.e., why this is important, and (5) your evaluation of the article's merits and shortcomings. You may present only once and if you fulfill all the requirements, you will earn 5 extra credit points to be contributed to your Test grade.

Option 2: Science book review. <-- Click on the link for more details about this extra credit opportunity.

Option 3: Visit a Science Museum
You will earn 4 points if you submit to me your admission ticket stub as proof that you visited the museum. You will earn up to 6 additional points if you write a 1-to-2-page double-spaced report about your visit telling me the following: 

(1) Write down a question to which you hope you will get answers at the museum or a question that the museum visit caused you to think about.
(2) Describe the exhibits you saw at the museum.
(3) Explain what you learned from these exhibits.
(4) Make connections between what you learned at the museum and what you learned in class.
(5) Evaluate whether or not the museum visit was beneficial to your learning.
(6) Make a suggestion about this assignment that would help future students.