
Biology Videos (45-120 minutes):
Human Development - "Life's Greatest Miracle" (NOVA)
Genetics - "Cracking the Code of Life" (NOVA)
Genetics - "Cracking the Genetic Code" (NOVA)
Genetics/Evolution - "What Darwin Never Knew" (NOVA)
Evolution/Darwin - "Darwin's Darkest Hour" (NOVA/National Geographic)
Evolution - "Origins: How Life Began" (NOVA)
Human Evolution - "Becoming Human" (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) (NOVA)
Human Evolution - "The Human Spark" (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) (PBS)
Human Evolution - "The Search for Adam" (National Geographic)
Human Evolution - "Alien From Earth" (NOVA)
Human Evolution - "Tiny Humans: The Hobbits of Flores" (National Geographic)
Medicine/Aging - "Can We Live Forever?" (NOVA Science Now) 
Medicine/Cancer - "Cancer Warrior" (NOVA)
Medicine/Regeneration - "How to Build a Beating Heart" (National Geographic)
Medicine/Venom - "Venom: Nature's Killer" (NOVA)
Medicine/Sleep - "Fatal Insomnia" (National Geographic)
Medicine/Parkinson's - "My Father, My Brother, and Me" (Frontline)
Medicine/Alzheimer's - "The Forgetting" (PBS Special)
Neuroscience - "How Does the Brain Work?" (NOVA Science Now)
Life - "Finding Life Beyond Earth" (NOVA)
Animal Intelligence - "How Smart Are Animals?"(NOVA Science Now)
Dinosaurs - "Arctic Dinosaurs" (NOVA)
Apes - "Ape Genius" (NOVA)
Cuttlefish - "Kings of Camouflage" (NOVA)
Ants - "Lord of the Ants" (NOVA)
Monitor Lizards: "Lizard Kings" (NOVA)

Biology Video Clips (5-15 minutes):
Evolution/Life - "Revealing the Origins of Life" (NOVA Science Now)
Evolution - "Mass Extinction"  (NOVA Science Now)
Human Evolution - "Little People of Flores" (NOVA Science Now)
Genetics - "Epigenetics" (NOVA Science Now)
Genetics - "RNAi" (NOVA Science Now)
Genetics/Aging - "Aging" (NOVA Science Now)
Genetics/Obesity - "Obesity" (NOVA Science Now)
Neuroscience - "Mirror Neurons" (NOVA Science Now)
Neuroscience - "Magnetic Mind Control"  (NOVA Science Now)
Neuroscience - "Sleep" (NOVA Science Now)
Disease - "1918 Flu" (NOVA Science Now)
Animals - "Emergence" (NOVA Science Now)
Dinosaurs - " T-Rex Blood" (NOVA Science Now)
Dinosaurs - "T-Rex" (NOVA Science Now)

Science Newspapers
OC Register Science
LA Times Science
LA Times Medicine
NY Times Science
NY Times Health
BBC Science
BBC Health

Science Magazines: