
Biology Class Policies
Ms. Gwen   Room 503
Class Website:

Course Description & Objective:  College Prep Biology introduces students to the study of living things while improving science literacy.  The major objective of this course is to increase students' understanding of the following biological science topics: biochemistry, ecology, cell biology, genetics, evolution, microbiology, human anatomy, and taxonomy.  This course will give students the opportunity to explore science content in a laboratory setting, discuss current events in science, and further develop their skills and abilities in observation, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and self-directed learning.

College Prep Biology Prerequisites: 
9th Graders - In order to be enrolled in College Prep Biology, you must have earned at least an A- in 8th grade science and be concurrently enrolled in Geometry or higher. Because you are considered an advanced/honors student, you are expected to earn at least a B- both semesters in order to progress to College Prep Chemistry the following year.  Failure to earn the required grades will result in your placement in Earth Science as a sophomore.
10th Graders - In order to progress to College Prep Chemistry the following year, you must earn at least C+ in Biology and at least C+ in algebra both semesters. If you earn less than a C+, you will be placed in Conceptual Chemistry next year. Your CST Biology test scores will also be taken into consideration for placement in next year’s science course.

I.   Required Materials
A.   3-ring binder w/appropriate dividers
B.   Notebook paper
C.   Pen or pencil
D.   Computer, printer and internet access (school, public library or home)
E.   Spiral notebook  (keep at home)
F.   Biology textbook

Directions to access online textbook:
When you enroll or register, type the access code exactly as shown below. Use all uppercase letters, and include dashes. Class access code: 69655FAF7BAF7F74B1DA

First time users:
To register in SuccessNet:
   1. Go to
   2. Click Register
   3. On the first screen, type the class access code (shown above) in the access code field.
   4. Follow the instructions to register. 
   5. At the end of registration process, the SuccessNet login page appears.
   6. Log in by typing your user name and password.  Write down your username and password so you don’t forget!

Existing users:
To enroll in this class:
   1. Go to
   2. Log in by typing your existing user name and password.
   3. From your Home Page, click My Account.
   4. Click Add Class/Group
   5. Follow the instructions, and use the class access code (shown above) to enroll in this class or group.

II.    Grading Policy
   Standard Scale:   A 100-90%       B  89-80%      C  79-70%      D  69-60%      F  59%-0
 A.   Tests and quizzes (50%)
 B.   Spiral Notebook (20%)
 C.   Lab reports and activities (20%)
 D.   Homework/Classwork (10%)

III.   Make-up work: All assignments and due dates are available online; it is your responsibility to know exactly what you need to make-up if you are absent. Please be sure to look at the online class calendar if you are absent, then see me when you return to class so we can arrange make-up dates.  If you miss a test or lab, arrangements must be made to make-up the test on the first day you return to school.  Tests and labs will be made up during tutorial only.

IV.   Extra Credit: I will assign extra credit both within and outside of class.  If you know of an extracurricular activity where you and your fellow classmates can further your understanding of biology outside of class, you may suggest it and I will consider if it merits an extra credit opportunity. These opportunities must be accessible to your classmates as well (not something only you have access to). Go to the Extra Credit section under the "Documents" tab to see extra credit options.

V.   Expected Classroom Behavior
A.   Attend class every day and participate in class discussion.
B.   Be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.   3 tardies = 1 detention
C.   No cell phones or iPods.  Cell phone or iPod = Saturday school
D.   No food or drinks are allowed except for water.
E.   Do not leave trash on, under or around your desk and do not write on the desk. 
Trash under/around your desk or writing on your desk = trash pick-up
F.   Be respectful towards your teacher and other students.  Do not talk when your teacher or another student is speaking and always raise your hand before speaking in class.
G.   Failure to comply with school or classroom rules will result in one or more of the following consequences:
-  Decrease in participation grade                      - Detention
-  Parent phone call                                            - Behavior/work contract
-  Citizenship grade lowered                              - Parent conference
-  Referral to Assistant Principal                        - Ethics violation (see student handbook)