Monday, June 4, 2012

Animal Presentations this Week

This week is devoted almost entirely to your Animal Kingdom Presentations! Remember to carefully observe your classmates' presentations both for the Animal Kingdom Test on the last day of school as well as for ideas on how to improve your own presentations. Also check the "Lecture" tabs for the PowerPoint slides from these presentations. On Thursday and Friday, we will have block schedule (of ~2 hours per period) to accommodate senior finals. Sixth period will meet on Thursday and seventh period will meet on Friday.

For your notebook for this unit, you have two-ish options: (1) recopy notes as you've been doing for the other units or (2) write down two pages (or two sides of one page, depending on how you see it) of thinking. This thinking can be in the form of a summary of the presentations, an organized comparison of the different animal phyla, or responses to the review questions after each section on animals in your textbook. When I check your notebook, I will be looking for two pages of work per presentation. I suggest you make the presentation topics stand out. For example, if your notes are on mollusks, then highlight "mollusks" or write "mollusks" in huge letters, followed by two pages of work on this group of animals. Then repeat for each presentation. Colored drawings/diagrams earn extra credit, as do highlighting and underlining.

Finally, I've created a Kingdom Animalia Study Guide for your test on June 14th. You may use this study guide on the test, so I suggest you take good notes. The notes must be handwritten (not typed), and yes, you may write the responses on a separate sheet of paper. The study guide is not an assignment, so I will not be collecting it. It is mostly to guide you on what to study for the test.

EXTRA LEARNING: For those who are interested in how to form the plural of "octopus," here is an explanation from one of the editors of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: octopuses vs. octopi.

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