Thursday, February 16, 2012

Extra Credit: Visit a Science Museum

We have just finished our unit on Evolution. To encourage you to further your study of evolution outside of the classroom, I will offer the following extra credit opportunity:

Visit the Natural History Museum or the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. The Natural History Museum houses a variety of exhibits. One of their newest exhibits is the Dinosaur Hall, which opened in Summer 2011. It contains the fossils of the smallest T-Rex ever discovered as well as one of the most complete fossils of an adult T-Rex, which they named "Thomas." The La Brea Tar Pits houses the largest collection of Ice Age mammal fossils in the entire world! You can see fossils of woolly mammoths and various transitional animals that were the ancestors of modern horses. Did you know that giant lions used to be native to North America? Go find out at the La Brea Tar Pits!

You will earn 4 points if you submit to me your admission ticket stub as proof that you visited the museum. You will earn up to 6 additional points if you write a 1-to-2-page double-spaced report about your visit telling me the following: 

(1) Write down a question to which you hope you will get answers at the museum or a question that the museum visit caused you to think about.
(2) Describe the exhibits you saw at the museum.
(3) Explain what you learned from these exhibits.
(4) Make connections between what you learned at the museum and what you learned in class.
(5) Evaluate whether or not the museum visit was beneficial to your learning.
(6) Make a suggestion about this assignment that would help future students.

This extra credit opportunity is worth a total of 4-10 points and contributes to your Quiz grade and is due no later than March 19. You may not earn credit for visiting both the Natural History Museum and the La Brea Tar Pits, although I encourage you to do so to further your knowledge.

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