Monday, February 13, 2012

Study for your Microevolution quiz!

Study for your Microevolution quiz on Wednesday. Also, start organizing your notebooks. Your Notebook Check #7 is also due on Wednesday. If you want to talk with me about your Natural Selection (Peppered Moth) Lab, I am available in the classroom during lunch.

There was an extra credit opportunity announced during the lecture today to help expose you to the Hardy-Weinberg principle and solving Hardy-Weinberg problems. In a wildflower population, let's assume that the allele for pink flowers is A and the allele for white flowers is a. White flowers are recessive to pink flowers. If there are 500 plants, in which 320 are AA (homozygous dominant), 160 are Aa (heterozygous), and 20 are aa (homozygous recessive), what are the genotypes and allele frequencies of this population? Recall that p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1; p = the frequency of A; q = the frequency of a. If you choose to solve this Hardy-Weinberg problem for extra credit, submit your solution (including your work) in class on Tuesday, February 14.

Also remember to sign up for your Book Review extra credit opportunity, if you would like to participate. I have extended the sign up date to next Monday, February 20. Go to the "Extra Credit: Science Book Review" post and write your name, period, and the book you've selected in the comments section. 

One of my students asked about polar-grizzly bear hybrids. Here are some articles about the topic: National Geographic (2006) and Scientific American (2010). While reading, think about how this phenomenon relates to what we are learning about speciation.

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