Monday, February 27, 2012

WASC Re-Accreditation this Week

We will not have time to do the Virus Project as planned, so we'll skip it. Tomorrow, you will be watching a documentary about viruses and complete an accompanying worksheet. Those of you who will be absent or leaving early for sports can find the documentary "Understanding Viruses" on YouTube, complete the worksheet at home and submit it the next day.

WASC officials will be touring LHHS during the next couple of days. Be on your best behavior. =)

In class, we learned about the harmful and beneficial effects of viruses. In this example, scientists genetically engineered a new version of the vaccinia virus, previously used to develop a vaccine for smallpox, to now attack cancer cells (BBC Health, 2011). Here is a related article about how scientists modified the herpes virus to treat patients with head and neck cancer: BBC Health, 2010.

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