Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hominid Evolution

Tomorrow, we will grade your Microevolution Quiz, then finish the NOVA documentary on hominid evolution. For those of you who are interested in watching the entire three-part documentary, the link is available under the "Links" tab. Look for the documentary titled "Becoming Human."

The most recent major discovery regarding hominid evolution was an small species of hominids, which scientists have nicknamed "The Hobbit," that once lived in Indonesia. Fossils of these hominids were found on the island of Flores that date to as early as 12,000 years ago. Other fossils such as those of pygmy elephants and giant lizards were also discovered on Flores. To learn more about these finds, here are a couple documentaries by National Geographic and NOVA. Some scientists propose that these hominids descended from homo erectus and have a hypothesis about why they were so small. Watch the documentaries to find how why.

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