Monday, May 21, 2012

Extra Credit: Bring in Plant Samples

Since we are learning about plants this week, I am offering the following extra credit opportunity: You may bring in a plant sample to share with your classmates. Some examples of plant structures you can bring in are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, pinecones, etc. Suggestions of where to look are your backyard or garden, nearby places that have plants (e.g., parks, hiking trails), or your grocery store. You will earn 1 point of extra credit toward your test grade for bringing in a common plant or plant structure. You will earn 3 points of extra credit for bringing in a rare plant or plant structure, such as a Venus' flytrap or gingko biloba leaves. You do not need to talk about what you brought in (but you may if you choose). We will basically pass them around so your classmates can see "live samples" of plants and plant organs. =)

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