Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Notebook Check on Friday

Today, I distributed the assignment sheet for your Kingdom Animalia Project. I am giving you this assignment now so you can have plenty of time to work on it. The first presentation is not scheduled until May 30th, which is more than a week away. On May 29th, you will be given a day to work on the project at school; we will meet in the computer lab in the library. Other than that, you are expected to complete the project with your group members outside of class. Be informative but also creative. This is your chance to teach the class. =)

Secondly, your Notebook Check #12 is due on Friday. To encourage you to complete as much of the notebook as possible (in order to get the maximum amount of credit) I am requiring you to have your parents check your notebooks for completion. I will not accept a notebook that does not have a parent signature. If you forget a parent signature, but still bring the notebook on Friday, then I will ask that you have your parent sign it when he/she picks you up from school and submit it before the end of the school day.

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