Thursday, May 24, 2012

Plant Quiz on Friday

Your quiz on plants is on Friday. Review your notes, the lab, and the textbook for clarification. And ask questions if you have any. The Plant Unit PowerPoint slides have been posted under "Lectures." I also created a study guide (under "Documents") for your Plant Quiz. If you know the answers to the topics on the study guide, you should be able to ace this quiz. For one point of extra credit, you may also post a multiple choice review question with at least four answer choices. The extra credit is due by Friday. Your plant lab report is due next Tuesday. =)


  1. Classification of plants are based on the following EXCEPT…
    A. water
    B. seeds
    C. sunlight
    D. DNA sequences

    Amelia Khazali
    Period 7

  2. All of these are required for survival except:

    A. Sunlight
    B. Gas exchange
    C. Soil
    D. Water

    Sarah Mehta
    Per 7

  3. Human use of Mosses include all of the following EXCEPT...
    a. increase soil density
    b. dead remain forming peat into burning as a fuel
    c. act as a natural sponge
    d. used as a antibiotic

    Farrah Ashrafnia
    Per. 6

  4. Seedless vascular plants have all the following characteristics except:
    A. Have stems, leaves, and roots
    B. Diploid sporophyte is the dominant stage in the life cycle
    C. Fertilization requires at least a thin layer of water
    D. Contains crystals of abrasive silica

    Mika Honda
    Period 6
