Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Digestive & Excretory Systems Quiz Tomorrow

Remember to review your notes, worksheets, and textbook for the Digestive & Excretory Systems Quiz tomorrow. The PowerPoint slides for both units have been posted under "Lectures." Also due tomorrow is your Notebook Check #11. Remember to download the grading sheet from "Documents." Lastly, remember to work on your CST Final Study Guide. Those are due on May 8th. I will collect your answers (no need to turn in the paper with the questions). We will grade the answers together as a class. You will receive credit for completion.

You may still post a review question by the beginning of class on Thursday for 1 point of extra credit.


  1. Which is NOT a function of the Excretory System?
    A. to remove liquid wwaste
    B. maintain water balance
    C. to make more white blood cells
    D. regulate blood pH

    Amelia Khazali
    period 7

  2. What do kidney stones block that causes pain?

    a. distal tubule
    b. capillaries
    c. urethra
    d. renal artery

    Anthony Kairouz
    Period 6

  3. Your skin excretes all of the following in the form of sweat except for what?

    a.excess water
    b.amino acids
    c. salts
    d. small amount of urea
    Farrah Ashrafnia
    Period 6
