Monday, April 30, 2012

Digestive & Excretory Systems Review

As a review for the Digestive & Excretory Systems Quiz on Thursday, you may create a multiple choice question (with at least four answer choices) for 1 point of extra credit toward your test/quiz score. The question may be on content that is related to the digestive system or excretory system. Use the textbook, notes, and worksheets to help you. Post the question, along with your name and period, in the comments section by the start of class on Thursday. Secondly, the Digestive System PowerPoint slides have been posted under "Lectures." Work on your notebooks and start reviewing for the quiz. Thirdly, work on your CST Final Review Study Guide.

In class, we learned about lactose intolerance (or lactase deficiency). Here is a related condition known as hereditary fructose intolerance in which the body lacks the enzymes to digest fructose (source: NIH).


  1. What accessory organ do you NOT use for digestion?

    a. Liver
    b. Pancreas
    c. Stomach
    d. Gall Bladder

    Katharine Leese
    Period 6

  2. Which of the following is NOT a section of the small intestine?

    a. Duodenum
    b. Jejunum
    c. Colon
    d. Ileum

    Matt Foundoulis
    Period 6
