Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain

Sections 35-4 and 35-5 as well as your brain diagram and conceptual map of the nervous system are due tomorrow, Thursday. Also, print out your Nervous System Lab from the "Documents" section. We will do this very short lab on Friday.

In class, we learned about how the nervous system integrates sensory information through various types of receptors, such as pain receptors (nociceptors). Pain detection is important to survival because pain indicates to us that something is wrong within our body. Some people, however, are born without pain receptors and are thus unable to feel pain at all. Here is a clip from 20/20 that reports on this medical condition, known as congenital insensitivity to pain (or more formally known as hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy).

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