Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mirror Neurons and Magnetic Mind Control

Remember to print out your Nervous System Lab and bring it to class tomorrow.

Since we're learning about the nervous system, I thought I'd share with you some other fascinating findings in the field of neuroscience (the science of the brain). In the 1980s and 1990s, neuroscientists in Italy (accidentally) discovered mirror neurons. These are neurons that allow us to sort of experience what others are doing simply by watching them; they are thought to be the root of human empathy. Watch a clip about mirror neurons on NOVA Science Now. You'll also see Dr. Ramachandran again. (He's pretty famous in the field of neuroscience.) Secondly, remember how our brain is sort of electric? Electricity and magnetism are related, so neuroscientists have been able to use special magnets to perform "mind control." This can be as simple as making your muscles twitch or applying the findings to medicine in the form of tricking your brain to feel less pain after surgery. Watch a clip about it here: "Magnetic Mind Control" (NOVA Science Now).

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