Friday, April 6, 2012

Have a Wonderful Spring Break!

Next week is Spring Break so I wish you all a wonderful time going on vacation or just relaxing at home. For those who unfortunately find themselves somehow overcome by boredom or want to fill their time doing academic things, below are some things you can do:

1) Work on your notebooks. The Nervous System PowerPoint slides have been posted under "Lectures." 
2) Do the Science Book Review extra credit opportunity. You may still sign up to do the extra credit at this point, with a penalty of a 2-point deduction to be fair to those who signed up on time. Remember that an electronic copy is due on on Sunday, April 15th and a hard copy is due in class on April 16th. The class IDs for Turnitin are the same as last semester: 4633054 for 6th period and 4633052 for 7th period. The password is "hawks."
3) Work on your Nervous System reaction time lab. 
    The class data is posted under "Documents." Your lab report is due on April 17th, the day of the quiz.
4) Study for the Nervous System Quiz. You will take the quiz on Tuesday, April 17th.
5) Educational entertainment. Below is a list of science documentaries that relate to neuroscience:
     a) How Does the Brain Work? (NOVA Science Now) 
     b) Inside the Teenage Brain (Frontline)
     c) How Smart Are Animals? (NOVA Science Now)  
     d) Fatal Insomnia (National Geographic)
     e) Parkinson's Disease (Frontline)
      f) Alzheimer's Disease (PBS)

See you after Spring Break!

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