Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back from Spring Break. I hope you all had a relaxing and/or productive week. Now it's time to get back to work. Your Nervous System Quiz is tomorrow so review your notes, the textbook, and the lab. The Nervous System PowerPoint slides have been posted on the class wesbite under "Lectures." Other assignments due tomorrow include your Nervous System Reaction Time Lab, your notebooks, and all worksheets for the Nervous System Unit. Notebook grading sheet #10 is posted under "Documents."

Sleep is very important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. So remember to get your work done early so you can get enough sleep tonight. However, if you are done with all your work, and want to enjoy some educational entertainment, then watch this video clip about sleep on NOVA Science Now. And here is a clip from a longer documentary on Frontline specifically about sleep and the teenage brain.

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