Monday, March 5, 2012

Bacteria Documentary Tomorrow

Tomorrow, you will be watching a Discovery Science documentary titled "Understanding Bacteria." (It's similar to the "Understanding Viruses" documentary you watched last week.) Your Viruses & Bacteria Test is on Wednesday, so review your notes and the textbook. Your bacteria review worksheet is also due the day of the test. Lastly, remember to work on your Bacteriology lab report. Those are due on Thursday.

Some scientists and engineers have designed a material, inspired by patterns on shark skin, that hinders bacteria growth. The convoluted surface of this material, which they've called "Sharklet," makes it so that it is too energy-consuming for colonies of bacteria to grow on. (Bacteria prefer growing on flat surfaces.) Read or watch more about it here: CBS News (based off of a NOVA documentary) and an interview with the material's inventor. This is especially applicable in helping to prevent infections in hospitals and other medical settings. For more ambitious students, relate this new finding to what you learned in class about optimal conditions for bacteria growth.

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