Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Protist Lab due Tomorrow

Your Protist Lab is due tomorrow. You may submit a report individually or with your lab partner. If you have a lab partner that is flaky or lazy, write your own lab report. Even if you have incomplete sections, submit what you have. Missing assignments result in spending lunch mandatorial with me to encourage you to devote time to doing your work.

Tomorrow we will go over your Bacteriology Lab as well as review for your Protist Quiz on Friday.

In class, we learned about different types of protists, including algae, and their methods of reproduction. In addition to sexual reproduction, algae can reproduce asexually by fragmentation to create clones of themselves. In this news article, scientists found a single algae with clones that span 15 kilometers (approximately 9.3 miles) in width: University of Western Australia, February 7, 2012. For more ambitious students, think about why an organism's ability to reproduce asexually via cloning is an evolutionary advantage.

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