Friday, March 9, 2012

Extra Credit: Review Questions for Protist Quiz

One of my students commented that test prep would be helpful, since (on average) you all do worse on exams than anything else. So I will implement a new extra credit opportunity and see if it helps. For 1 point extra credit, come up with a multiple choice quiz question with at least 4 answer choices. Write your question in the comments section of this post. On days where we have extra time after lecture, we will review your questions together as a class. Writing the quiz question helps you to think about what information is relevant and organize it. And reviewing it as a class helps your classmates. Exceptionally good questions might even be included in upcoming quizzes.

So for this section on protists, come up with one multiple choice question using information from lectures, your lab, the textbook, and any other relevant resources. Try to avoid questions that merely ask "What does [x] mean?" Remember to include your name and period.


  1. Zooflagellates are _____ protists that swim using ______
    Which of the following answers best represents the missing texts in this statement?

    a. plantlike, cilia
    b. sarcodine, pseudopod
    c. animallike, flagella
    d. eukaryotic, conjugation

    Anthony Kairouz
    Period: 6

  2. What substance are you supposed to add to the Euglena to slow the movement?
    a. Paramecium
    b. Methyl Cellulose
    c. Yeast
    d. Pond Water

    Mika Honda
    Period 6

  3. Binary fission is when a cell _______ into ________ cell(s).
    a. grows, 1 big
    b. splits, 2 smaller
    c. splits, 3 smaller
    d. neither of these answers are correct

    Bella Lerner
    Period 6

  4. A protist is any organism that is not?

    a.a plant
    e. all of the above

    Monica Gracian

  5. What happens when a Paramecium bumps into a yeast cell?

    a. Nothing
    b. it consumes it
    c. it attacks it
    d. none of the above

    Sarah Mehta
    per 7
