Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bacteriology Lab Report due tomorrow

Your Bacteriology Lab Report is due tomorrow. Submit a lab report even if were were some sections you did not complete. As a last resort, it is better to receive partial credit than no credit. Also remember that missing assignments result in spending lunch mandatorial with me to encourage you to devote time to completing your work. So turn in your lab report tomorrow. =)

Download your Protist Lab from the "Documents" tab. You will take a short pre-lab quiz tomorrow to prepare you to do the lab on Friday. You will earn 2 points extra credit on your Protist Lab Report if you bring in a jar of pond water by Friday.

I passed back many of your assignments today. Some were graded on content and others were graded on completion. You are always welcome to come talk to me about your assignments if you think you should receive credit for an answer where points were taken off.

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