Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Viruses & Bacteria Quiz tomorrow!

Your Viruses & Bacteria Quiz is tomorrow! Both the Viruses and Bacteria PowerPoint slides have been posted under the "Lectures" tab, so review them as well as your textbook for clarification. Also due tomorrow are your Notebook Check #8 and your Bacteria review worksheet. Download the Notebook Grading Sheet #8 under the "Documents" tab. Remember, missing assignments result in spending lunch mandatorial with me to encourage you to devote time to completing your work. As usual, I am available via email and during lunch for those who want to get additional help understanding the concepts. So ask (reasonable) questions if you have them.

For those of you who were absent or left early for sports: You can find the documentary "Understanding Bacteria" on YouTube. Complete the worksheet at home and submit it the next day.

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