Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Immunity Quiz Review Questions

Like in the previous two quizzes, I am offering 1 point of extra credit to those who create a multiple choice question about the human immune system based on the lectures and textbook. Write your question, your name, and your period in the comments section by Thursday.


  1. Bella Lerner
    Period 6

    Which of the following tissues holds organs in place and provides suppport to the body?
    a. Epithelial
    b. Connective
    c. Nervous
    d. Muscle

  2. Christine Le
    Period 6

    What is an example of the body's first line of defense against diseases?
    A. Skin keeping out pathogens
    B. Getting a vaccine
    C. The injured area becoming inflammed
    D. The body creating a fever

  3. Monica Gracian
    Period 6

    What is the first line of defense of the Non-specific immunity?
    A.Mucus Membranes
    B.Sweat Glands

  4. Which of the following is NOT a function of the integumentary system?
    a. Barrier against infection and injury
    b. Helps to regulate body temperature
    c. Provides a site for blood cell formation
    d. Protection against ultraviolet rays
    e. All are correct

    Katharine Leese
    Period 6

  5. Anthony Kairouz
    Period 6

    Cell Mediated Immunity is accomplished by:
    a. Capsids
    b. HLA proteins
    c. WBG proteins
    d. T- Memory cells

    1. This is just a clarificatory comment for those who were absent today. Cell-mediated immunity is accomplished by T-cells, which include helper T-cells, killer T-cells, and memory or suppressor T-cells. These T-cells contain HLA proteins. So both "B" and "D" are partially correct answers. The most general answer would simply be that cell-mediated immunity is accomplished by T-cells.

  6. Bradd Schofield
    Period 6

    In the process of creating a vaccine, what part of the virus is purposely left unharmed?
    A. Lipid shell
    B. Protein structure
    C. Protein coating
    D. Viral DNA

  7. Brittany Ho
    Period 7

    Which is not an example of a pathogen?
    A. Virus
    B. Worm
    C. Antigen
    D. Protist

    1. This is a clarificatory remark for those to were absent today: In writing this question, I think Brittany was trying to distinguish between the definition of a pathogen and the definition of an antigen. Remember, a pathogen is anything that causes disease and an antigen is anything that triggers and immune response. In many ways, all four answer choices are partially correct and also partially incorrect. What you want to get out of this question is that all pathogens are antigens but not all antigens are pathogens.

  8. Amelia Khazali
    Period 7

    Who developed the Polio vaccine?
    A. Kobe Bryant
    B. Jonas Salk
    C. Alexander Fleming
    D. Dr. Willy Burgdorfer

  9. Sarah Mehta
    Period 7

    Which is used to fight infection from fungi and protists?
    A. Cell Mediated Immunity
    B. Humoral Immunity
    C. Specific Immunity
    D. Non-Specific Immunity
